Tacocat Spelled Backwards

A lil' board game with a cat who is also a taco.

Tacocat Spelled Backwards

A lil' board game with a cat who is also a taco.

2 Players
7+ Age
<15 min Duration
Tacocat Spelled Backwards

A lil' board game with a cat who is also a taco.

2 Players
7+ Age
<15 min Duration
  • Tacocat Spelled Backwards
  • Tacocat Spelled Backwards

A lil' board game with a cat who is also a taco.

Tacocat Spelled Backwards is a game of clever card matchups in a box that is also a board with a…

Skills you'll use

  • Strategy

    Succeed through critical thinking… Think. Plan. Win!

What's in the box

Tacocat Spelled Backwards
  • 38 Palindrome Cards
  • 7 Palindrome Tiles
  • 1 Tacocat Token
  • 1 Box/Gameboard
  • 1 Instruction Manual

Game details

A lil' board game with a cat who is also a taco.

Tacocat Spelled Backwards is a game of clever card matchups in a box that is also a board with a cat who is also a taco. Unfold the box, then duel head-to-head in palindrome-themed battles. The higher card wins the round and brings Tacocat closer to your side. Each card victory moves you one step closer to winning.